Falk-Juri Knauft, Barbara Janusz-Pawletta, Marhabo Yodalieva, Marat Narbaev, Shavkat Hasanov, Arslan Berdyev, Rustam Bobokhodzhiev, Mohammad Qaasim, Talant Ryspaev, Katy Unger-Shayesteh, Jenniver Sehring, Anatoly Krutov, Pal Dunay
Short Communications

Welcome to the new electronic journal on water-related research in Central Asia! We, the Board of Editors, welcome all readers of the e-Journal “Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia”! We are glad to present the initial issue, which will introduce the topics and mission of this new e-Journal by invited articles from the members of the Editorial Board as well as some other experts. This e-Journal is a joint endeavor of a group of water professionals and researchers from Central Asia and Afghanistan, who are united by their wish to advance the state of scientific knowledge in IWRM in Central Asia and strengthen the networks and scientific exchange among researchers and professionals within Central Asia as well as between Central Asia and the international academic community. We, the editors, deal with different aspects of water management and governance; we come from and work in different countries. We share the conviction that it requires a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to meet the water challenges Central Asia is facing –therefore our focus on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).
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