
Dr. Barbara Janusz-Pawletta

AffiliationCountry Representative,
International Water Management Institute – Regional Representative Office for Central Asia; Kazakh -German University

Research interest: water governance

Email: b.janusz-pawletta@cgiar.org

Editorial Board

Executive editors

Associate editors

Dr. Henryk Alff

Thematic cluster: Socio-economics

Affiliation: Fellow at the Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability, Kazakh German University; Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Germany, (TRANSECT research group)

Research interest: Geographical transformation and development studies, agriculture and agroforestry, complex social-ecological systems research.


Dr. Vitaly Nagornov

Thematic cluster: Socio-economics

Dr. (D.Sc.) Natalia Frolova

Thematic cluster: Climate and Environment
Affiliation: Head of Department of Land  Hydrology, Professor, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russia
hydrology; hydrological calculations and forecasting, dangerous hydrological processes

Dr. Ulan Kasymov

Thematic cluster: Socio-economics
Affiliation: Research and Teaching Fellow, TUD Dresden University of Technology
Research interests: new institutional economics (resource economics), social-ecological-technical systems and climate change, agri-environmental policy and rural development

Prof. ​Dr. rer. agr. ​​​​​​Ahmad Hamidov​

Thematic cluster: Climate and Environment
Affiliation: Post Doc of “Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes (IMA)” Working Group, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
Research interests: Agricultural Landscape Systems, institutional economics, community-based resource management, collective action for common pool resources management, research methods for social-ecological systems analysis

​Dr. Aliya Assubayeva

Thematic cluster: Water law and governance
Affiliation: Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Public Policy, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan, and External Member at Centre for International Development and Environmental Research, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany
Research interests: water policy, water security, groundwater governance, science-policy interface, SDG interlinkages