CAJWR is indexed in DOAJ, AGRIS, EBSCO, IndexCopernicus, Google Scholar, the Russian Science Index System (RINZ), Cite Factor, ROAD directory of open access scholarly resources, CrossRef. CAJWR is included in the list of the recommended journals by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (subject areas: water resources and biology, order No 623 as of July 29, 2021; geography, order No 152 as of March 1, 2023).
All articles are reviewed by two blind peer-reviewers, one from Central Asia and one from outside of the region. The reviewing process is supervised by an international editorial board with expertise in the region.
CAJWR seeks to reach all scientists focusing on water and environmental-related research in Central Asia and the wider Eurasian region and familiarize them with each other’s achievements, not limiting its range to the national audience. It aims at strengthening the existing networks to support creation of the regional scientific community with the goal of developing scientific research.
The following subtopics are covered under each thematic cluster: