Principal research areas in food security in Central Asian countries
Shavkat Hasanov
Short Communications

Global social and economic changes promote the responsible choice of two types of strategic development of countries in the world. On the one hand, climate changes, rise in resource shortages, rapid population growth increase the growth of global problems, the cost of life and economic problems in different countries. On the other hand, general development forces and leads to sharing of available resources, ensures efficient solutions for improvement of population health, growth of national and regional economies.The economy of Central Asian countries is of great importance in the world because of the development in close cooperation, cultural proximity, warm and close relations, which provide opportunities for rational decision making for the sake of general development. Distortion of economic relations at the beginning of independence as well as less effective use of potential opportunities of integration could slow down the economic development of these countries. Nevertheless, the responsibility of scientists is not only to challenge national economic issues but also to find a common solution for the regional economic issues and to prepare recommendations for politicians and businessmen to raise public awareness on this issue. An electronic journal in integrated water resource management in Central Asia (IWRM-CA) has been created for that; it expands the opportunities of cooperation in Central Asia and co-working of scientists from all over the world.
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