Water saving based on moisture observations: scheduling drip irrigation regimes for tomatoes under greenhouse conditions in Tajikistan

Nazar Nurzoda

Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Vegetable Growing, Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Rudaki Av., 21a, Dushanbe, 734025, Republic of Tajikistan


Corresponding author e-mail: nurov.nazar@gmail.com


This study aimed to examine the efficiency of different drip irrigation regimes in spring film greenhouses for early tomato harvesting. The field (small-plot) experiment included designing and testing the watering technology suitable for rural Tajikistan. Irrigation, soil moisture, and tomato growth were followed for several seasons under four irrigation pilots. The experiments showed that the most effective drip irrigation regime for Elpida hybrid tomato was carrying it out while regulating soil moisture within 75-85%, with the irrigation demand of 4,978 m3/ha and irrigation norm of 99.0 m3/ha, also contributing to better water efficiency. The volume of irrigation water for the production of one unit of tomato crop in the second experiment was 5.73 m3/ha, i.e. 14.18% less than in the control plot. The study showed that the tomato evapotranspiration coefficient tends to increase as the threshold of soil mois-ture before and after irrigation grows. The maximum net yield amounted to 1,342 thou. Somoni/ha – 1.9 times or 52.7% higher compared to the control plot. The research findings can guide individual farmers and production facilities, as well as the overall development of agrarian economies like Tajikistan.

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For citation: Nurzoda, N. (2024). Water saving based on moisture observations: scheduling drip irrigation regimes for tomatoes under greenhouse conditions in Tajikistan. Central Asian Journal of Water Research,  10(2), 45-57. https://doi.org/10.29258/CAJWR/2024-R1.v10-2/45-57.eng


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efficiency, productivity, soil moisture, tomato, water scarcity

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