Assessment of lake Markakol’s physical and chemical condition with consideration of eutrofication
Azamat Madibekov a*, Laura Ismukhanova a, Askhat Zhadi a, Botakoz Sultanbekova a, Serik Zhumatayev a, Alibek Karimov b, Sergei Fokin c
a Institute of Geography and Water Safety, Pushkin st., 99, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan
b Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Observatory, 23, Almaty, 050020, Kazakhstan
c Markakol State Nature Reserve, Kurchum district, Urunhaika village, Kazakhstan
Corresponding author e-mail:
Laura Ismukhanova:, Askhat Zhadi:,
Botakoz Sultanbekova:, Serik Zhumatayev:, Alibek Karimov:, Sergei Fokin:
Type of paper: Research paper

The study was conducted in 2023 and comprised a comparative assessment of the state of Lake Markakol’s aquatic ecosystems in surface and bottom water strata. The analysis of bottom water temperatures showed correlation between this parameter and dissolved oxygen concentrations, indicating that pollution caused by organic impurities leads to lake eutrophication, in turn, pro-pelling the extinction of aquatic life. Although the main water physicochemical parameters of Markakol Lake correspond to the oligotrophic type, the shifts in dissolved oxygen and phos-phate content, as well as growth of aquatic vegetation indicate its transition to the mesotrophic type. Higher phosphate content in water is a consequence of pollution disturbing the biological balance, as well as stimulating the reservoir’s eutrophication and increased biological productivity, i.e. algal bloom. In addition, phosphate ions serve an informative indicator of Hazard Class 3 (organoleptically hazardous) anthropogenic pollution. Based on the correlation factor (r), two statistical models were considered for the target lake: 1) Water Pollution: nutri-ent concentrations depending on surface and bottom water temperatures (Model 1); and 2) changes in Water Pollution Indices (biogenic, heavy metals, mean) because of air temperature growth due to global warming of 0.25°C/decade (Model 2).
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Madibekov, A., Ismukhanova, L., Zhadi, A., Sultanbekovam B., Zhumatayev, S., Karimov, A., Fokin, S. (2024). Assessment of lake Markakol’s physical and chemical condition with consideration of eutrofication. Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 10(2), 58-78.
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