Groundwater Quality Assessment Using Water Quality Index and Geospatial Tools: Kabul Province Case Study

Maiwand Omary a*, Mohammad Najim Nasimi a, Mohammad Nasim Nasimi a

a Kabul Polytechnic University, Karte Mamourin, District 5, Kabul, 1001, Afghanistan

Corresponding author e-mail:

Mohammad Najim Nasimi:; Mohammad Nasim Nasimi:;

Type of paper: Research paper


This study aimed to evaluate the suitability of Kabul Province’s groundwater for drinking by way of analyzing the data collected from 34 ground monitoring wells. The purpose was helped through the assessment of a set of groundwater physico-chemical parameters (pH, turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS); sulfate, fluoride, nitrate, and boron content; total hardness (TH) as calcium carbonate, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and total iron), as well as the determination of the Water Quality Index (WQI) developed based on sampling the water points located in the districts of Kabul Province and Kabul City in the course of 3 years (2018 to 2020) to provide a clear and concise representation of water quality status, and cat-egorize groundwater into different quality classes ranging from “excellent” to “unsuitable for drinking”. Moreover, the spatial distribution of WQI and 12 physico-chemical parameter values was mapped using the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation in Arcmap 10.7 environment, revealing distinct water quality patterns across the study area. The water qual-ity testing outcomes under this investigation show compliance of multiple water contaminant concentrations with the World Health Organization (WHO) Water Quality Guidelines and Afghanistan National Drinking Water Quality Standards (ANDWQS). The WQI values range between 27.5 and 112 (as per ANDWQS) and between 33 and 127.5 (as per WHO Guide-lines); the WQI (WHO) display 9% and WQI (ANDWQS) display 3% of groundwater unsuit-able for drinking. Spatial variation maps (IDW Interpolation) demonstate that turbidity, TDS, TH, and magnesium concentration values for the provinces’s central and eastern sec-tions exceed the permissible thresholds. The study’s findings underscore the need for target-ed groundwater management strategies, including pollution control and regular monitoring, to safeguard water quality and public health in Kabul Province.

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For citation:

Omary, M., Nasimi, M., Nasimi, M. (2024). Groundwater quality assessment using water quality index and geospatial tools: Kabul Province case study,  10(2), 117-138.


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Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation, Kabul Province, physico-chemical parameters, Water Quality Index (WQI)

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