The regional and national best practices for minimizing the risks of water-related disasters in Central Asia – The cross-sectoral working groups in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
Svetlana Shivareva
Executive Director, Regional Center for Hydrology in Central Asia, Kazakhstan (
Latifa Bulekbayeva
National expert, Regional Intersectoral Working Group, Kyrgyzstan (
Scientific Article

One of the most important problem of our age is a global climate change. The climate change became areal threat to people’s livelihoods, which is inevitably reflected in the social sphere – declining living standards, loss of property and need to leave lived-in places, etc. So, the problems of detection, prevention and prediction of natural disasters have received considerable attention in recent decades. Nevertheless, the solution to this problem in Central Asia (CA) is at noticeably low level even against the background of the CIS countries. For the countries of the former Soviet Union in general and the CA region in particular, the focus has always been on responding and eliminating the consequences of disasters. The climate change and natural disasters are transboundary problems and are dependent on natural resource management conditions. Consequently, the effective prevention of natural disasters requires effective cross-border cooperation and joint work of a number of institutions. The purpose of this article is to review the experience in creation and operation of National Intersectoral Working Groups (IWGs) in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, to facilitate the exchange of information, knowledge and experience between practitioners and professors(students) on the topic of water-related disaster risk management.
Download the articleFor citation: Shivareva, S., Bulekbayeva, L. (2017) ‘The regional and national best practices for minimizing the risks of water-related disasters in Central Asia – The cross-sectoral working groups in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan’, Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 3(1), pp. 6–12.
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national intersectoral working groups, risk management, water resources