Press coverage of gendered labour division in the water sector of Uzbekistan
M. A. Bozorova
Mirzo UlugbekNational University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan, 100174, Tashkent, University str., 4.
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The article analyses the press coverage of gendered labour division in Uzbekistan’s water sector. The study focused on the content, types, methods, forms, techniques and principles of gendered labour division coverage in the Narodnoye Slovo [Popular Word], Pravda Vostoka [The Truth of the East], and Darakchi [The Reporter] newspaper periodicals. The research aimed to review the activities and approaches of Uzbekistan’s press to covering gendered labour division in the water sector, stereotypes in covering the topic, and ways to eliminate them. Three theoretical approaches were applied to the essence of journalism – i.e. agenda setting, framing and altercasting – to fulfill this task. The results of monitoring press materials indicate that whereas males more often serve as lead characters of publications as water management specialists, women are mostly depicted as housewives.
Download the articleFor citation: Bozorova, M. A. (2020). Press Coverage of Gendered Labour Division in the Water Sector of Uzbekistan. Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 6(2), 42–65.
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