Scientific session within the frames of The 5th Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2023)

We invite young researchers to take part in a Scientific session within the frames of The 5th Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2023)Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research (CAJSCR) invites participants to submit Abstracts for “Young Researchers Scientific Session”, as part of the 5th Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2023) in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 16-17, 2023‣ Theme: Climate change ‣ Extended abstracts submission deadline: April 7, 2023, 6 PM (ALMT)
Side Session Goal
‣ Knowledge exchange of the young climate scientists of Central Asia and the IPCC and CAREC expertsIn the first stage, the Authors are invited to submit the extended abstracts (in English or Russian) for the selection process. In the second stage up to 10 selected participants will join a side session* to receive feedback from IPCC representatives. It’s a rare opportunity for Young Researchers to interact with experts from different countries and also to develop new international collaborations. The third stage is papers submissions to the Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research.
*Transportation and accommodation fees are not covered.
How to submit an Abstract?The submitted extended abstracts must be in English, related to Central Asia and/or Afghanistan with reference to #ClimateChange, of 1000-2000 words (in English) or 5000-10000 characters (in Russian), and contain:‣
Purpose ‣ Design/methodology/approach
‣ Findings ‣ Research limitations/implications (if applicable)
‣ Practical implications (if applicable)
‣ Social implications (if applicable)
‣ Originality/value
‣ References
It is also advisable to indicate whether the submitted piece is part of a compilation dissertation (article-based dissertation) or monograph dissertation (chapter, overview).
‣ Deadline for the extended abstract submission: by 18:00 ALMT (GMT +6) on Friday, April 7th, 2023.
‣ Submissions should be sent via the following link
‣ The selected candidates will be notified by April 14, 2023
‣ The date of the Session is May 16, 2023 (TBC)
‣ Manuscripts submission to Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research by June 10, 2023.
For more information on the journal, see
For additional questions:
Conference website:
We’re looking forward to your submissions!