Assessment of atmospheric circulation impacts on the Caspian Sea level and ice regime
Naurozbayeva Zhanar a,b
a JSC «Institute of geography and water security», Pushkin st. 67/99, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan
b Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Al Farabi Av. 77, Almaty, 050040, Kazakhstan
The research aimed to assess the influence of atmospheric processes in the Northern Hemi-sphere’s Atlantic-European Sector on the Caspian Sea level based on the data for the days with Wangenheim-Girs atmospheric general circulation forms. The inputs covered the time period from 1900 to 2022. The information on the sea level, precipitation and ice events were harvested from 22 observation points in Kazakhstan and Russia. The statistical and comparative analysis as well as the climate change assessment within the framework of the study pointed to a stable correlation between the sea level and atmospheric circulation; re-vealed certain patterns reflected in precipitation distribution and frequency of moisture defi-cient and excessive years. The research also identified that the climatic changes have al-tered the sea’s ice regime, with the maximum ice thickness decreasing by 13-28 cm depend-ing on a specific water area. In addition to ice thickness variation, the recent decades show an increased frequency of moderate and mild winters, and the shift of the main glaciation dates, i.e. a stable ice cover forming later, the date of fixed maximum ice thickness observed in mid-February, the date of complete ice clearing observed in early-mid March, and the freezing period being shorter.
Available in Russian
Download the article (rus)For citation: Naurozbayeva, Zh. (2024). Ocenka vozdejstvija atmosfernoj cirkuljacii na ledovyj rezhim i uroven’ Kaspijskogo morja [Assessment of atmospheric circulation impacts on the Caspian Sea level and ice regime]. Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 10(1), 68-90. (in Russian)
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Caspian Sea, general atmospheric circulation, ice period characteristic dates, ice regime, precipitation, sea level