Climatic characteristics of the East Coast Caspian Sea fogs and their changes during 1970-2020
Vladimir Lobanov a, Zhanar Naurozbayeva b*
a Russian State Hydrometeorological University, 98 Malookhtinsky Ave., St. Petersburg
195196, Russian Federation
b Department of the Caspian Sea Hydrometeorological Research, RSE “Kazhydromet”, 32
Abay Ave., Almaty City 050022, Republic of Kazakhstan
*Corresponding author e-mail:
V. Lobanov e-mail: lobanov@EL6309.spb article

In the Caspian Sea, fogs of varying intensity are observed throughout the year. The research aimed to determine the number of days with fog and their duration (in hours) for each month from 1970 (1986) to
2020 at four meteorological stations: Kulaly Island, Fort Shevchenko, Tushchibek, and Aktau. The study included statistical analysis and assessment of climate change in the form of fog indicator longterm series approximation based on two non-stationary average models, including the evaluation of their efficiency and statistical significance. The assessment of climate change revealed the most significant reductions at the Tushchibek and Fort Shevchenko Stations, with decreased fog conditions observed in summer and autumn. At the Kulaly Island Station, the changes were detected in autumn; and were practically absent at the Aktau Station.
Available in Russian
Download the article (rus)For citation: HLobanov, V., Naurozbayeva, Zh, (2023). Klimaticheskie harakteristiki tumanov vostochnogo poberezh’ja Kaspijskogo morja i ih izmenenija s 1970 po 2020 g [CLIMATIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EAST COAST CASPIAN SEA FOGS AND THEIR CHANGES DURING 1970-2020]. Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 9(1), 1–18.[In Russian]
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Caspian Sea, climate change., fog, fog duration, fog frequency, Middle Caspian (Basin)