Groundwater quality assessment in Chak Karstic Sedimentary Basin, Wardak Province, Afghanistan
Mohammad Hamid Hamdard a*, Ilkhom Soliev b,Hafizullah Rasouli c, Bjørn Kløve a, Kaltoum Belhassan d
a University of Oulu, Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering Research Unit, Faculty of Technology, Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, 90570 Oulu, Finland.
b Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Centre for Interdisciplinary Regional Studies (ZIRS), Reichardtstr. 6, 06114 Halle (Saale), Germany.
c Department of Geology, Geoscience Faculty, Kabul University, Jamal Mina 1006, Kabul, Afghani-stan
d Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Geology Department, Faculty of Sciences, Dhar Mehraz, Fez, Route Imouzzer Fès BP 2626 FES, Morocco
* E-mail:
Hafizullah Rasouli: Ilkhom Soliev:, Bjørn Kløve:, Kaltoum Belhassan: article

The research focused on assessing groundwater quality in Jawharkel, Ghanikhel, Chak, Mandukhel, Dawrankhel, Noorkhel, Baba Qala, Sanikhel, Muhkumkhel, and Rasheeddan villages, and specifically intended to measure groundwater physical and chemical parameters in the mountainous areas of the Chak Karstic Sedimentary Basin in Chak District, Wardak Province, located in Afghanistan’s central part. The analyzed parameters included electric conductivity, pH, turbidity, odor, taste, color, hardness, as well as chloride (Cl2), nitrogen (N), fluoride (F), iron (Fe), arsenic (Ar), ammonia (NH3), and sulfide (SO4) content. All the analyzed chemical and physical parameters were found to be within acceptable limits. The results obtained were compared with the WHO drinking water quality standards. The study revealed that the values of physical parameters such as color, taste, odor and turbidity fell within the acceptable (recommended standard) limits; that the examined samples demonstrated no toxic elements and/or components; and that the analyzed chemical parameters were likewise within the permissible limits recommended by WHO and ANSA. Water quality in the target rural area proved to be better compared to the concerns of its residents and households, and that local water posed no threat to residents’ health and survival. The article emphasizes the importance of properly applying water quality indicators previously not adequately explored in the target area.
Available in English
Download the article (eng)For citation: Hamdard, M., Soliev, I., Rasouli, H., Kløve, B., Belhassan, K. (2022). Groundwater Quality Assessment in Chak Karstic Sedimentary Basin, Wardak Province, Afghanistan. Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 8(2), 102–109.
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