Features of snow cover distribution in Rudny Altai forest plantations
Kalachev A.*, Okanov K., Rogovsky S.
A.N. Bukeikhan Kazakh Research Institute of Forestry and Agroforestry LLP, 58 Kirov St., Shchuchinsk
021704, Republic of Kazakhstan
*Corresponding author e-mail: Kalachev_75_los@mail.ru
K. Okanov: ridder_los@mail.ru; S. Rogovsky: ridder_los@mail.ru
https://doi.org/10.29258/CAJWR/2023-R1.v9-1/33-58.rusType of paper: Research paper

The article presents the results of examining the formation and peculiarities of snow cover in fir plantations compared to open shrubland in the conditions of Southwestern Altai obtained during 2020-2021 snow period. The forest stand affects snow distribution and characteristics in fir woods by capturing snow with tree crowns, snow accumulation around crown perimeter and, as a result, leads to the formation of near-trunk snowdrifts, in their turn facilitating higher snow accumulation among trees and at forest edges. The maximum snow cover thickness in fir woods ranged from 80 cm (under crowns) to 150 cm (among trees and along forest edges). In the open (control) zone, snow distribution appeared more homogenous – from 126 to 135 cm. During the period of maximum snow accumulation, snow density in fir plantations ranged from 0.19 to 0.26 g/cm3; and, from 0.24 to 0.29 g/cm3 in the control zone. Snow cover humidity likewise demonstrated significant differences between fir plantations and control site, and amounted to 258.3±13.47 mm and 279.7±12.80 mm, respectively. Whereas in the control (overgrown) zone the complete snow cover melting ended in the second 10-day period of April, in fir woods it finished in the second 10-day period of May. The research findings suggest that fir plantations in river catchment areas boost winter precipitation retention and slow down its loss resulting in more uniform water transition into subsurface runoff and longer period of river water replenishment.
Available in Russian
Download the article (rus)For citation: Kalachev, A., Okanov, K., Rogovsky, S.,(2023). Osobennosti raspredelenija snezhnogo pokrova v nasazhdenijah Rudnogo Altaja [Features of Snow Cover Distribution in Rudny Altai Forest Plantations]. Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 9(1), 33-58. https://doi.org/10.29258/CAJWR/2023-R1.v9-1/33-58.rus [In Russian]
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characteristic., fir forest, formation, Rudny Altai, snow cover