Lithology of mudflow-forming deposits
S.A. Yerokhin
Institute of water problems and hydroelectric engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
V.V. Zaginayev
Institute of water problems and hydroelectric engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan (
Scientific Article

In recent years, the number of mudflow- and flood-related accidents has increased. For people living in highland areas and near mountain river beds, mudflows pose a great threat. More exact and reliable prediction requires thorough study of mudflow processes. This article contains analysis of a lithological aspect of mudflow.
Download the articleHow to cite: Yerokhin, S. A., Zaginayev V.V. (2017). Lithology of mudflow-forming deposits. Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 3(1), 24–30.
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