Natural hydrological risks and their prevention in Kazakhstan
Plekhanov P.A.
Expert on natural emergency situations and disaster risk reduction, LLP Institute of Geography, Kazakhstan
Scientific Article

Insufficient real data on extreme hydrological events, lack of their classification and of official damage assessment methods are the reasons for no conduction of a full-scale research on hydrological risks in Kazakhstan. The paper aims to define possible qualitative characteristics and common patterns of hydrological risks in Kazakhstan based on a synthesis of published research studies and materials on extreme hydrological events available from the Committee for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The obtained results are to be used during the development of long-term strategies and development programs.
Download the articleFor Citation: Plekhanov, P.A. (2017). Natural hydrological risks and their prevention in Kazakhstan. Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 3(1), 17–23.
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