State of saxaul plantations in the Kazakhstan’s part of the Aral Sea area
Zh.K. Salmukhanbetova1*, A.A. Imanalinova2, L.A. Dimeyeva1, N.E. Zverev1
1 RSE on the REM Institute of Botany and Phyto-Introduction, 36D Timiryazev St., 050040 Almaty, Kazakhstan;
2 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 71 al-Farabi Ave., 050040 Almaty, Kazakhstan.
* Сorresponding authorl:
A.A. Imanalinova:; L.A. Dimeyeva:; N.E. Zverev: paper

The article aims to assess the survival rate of saxaul plantations on the dry seabed of the Aral Sea (DSAS) and these close to the villages along the original coast. Protective black saxaul (Haloxylon ammodendron) plantations on the DSAS were established in 2009-2019 with the grant support of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS), Japan’s environmental funds, UNDP Kazakhstan, as well as under the Grass-Roots Program [ПW1] of the Embassy of Japan in Kazakhstan. During September 1-14, 2020, the target plantations at 24 sites adjacent to the villages of Aralkum and Karateren were examined, including forest surveying, projected species cover determination, and seed regeneration and survival rate assessment. The findings of 2020 revealed the varying condition of target saxaul plantations. Thus, the survival rate of saxaul inside forest plantations varied from 0.12 to 78.0%. The actual number of saxaul tress varied from 1 to 1,000 per ha on the DSAS and from 888 to 2,633 per ha in the Aralkum village. The novelty of the obtained results is due to the fact that they clearly demonstrate that the survival rate and development of forest plantations, as well as seed self-renewal of saxaul, above all, depend on the overall ecological conditions at specific sites. Saxaul demonstrated the best survival rate and development at the sites with sandy loam and saline light loamy soils with sandy cover, and the worst – at the sites with crusty and takyr (dry-type playa) saline soils.
Download the article (eng)How to cite: Salmukhanbetova, Zh. K., Imanalinova, A. A., Dimeyeva, L. A., & Zverev, N. E. (2021). State of saxaul plantations in the Kazakhstan’s part of the Aral Sea region. Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 7-1, 128–157.
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dry seabed of the Aral Sea, forest reclamation, saxaul plantations, state, survival rate