Studying the climate mitigation efficiency of various land-use systems by measuring greenhouse gas emissions

Kussainova M.D. a* , Toishimanov M.R. a , Tamenov T.B. a, Syzdyk A.B a, Jiquan Ch.b

a NJSC “Kazakh National Agrarian Research University”, Abay Ave., 8, Almaty, 050020, Republic of
b Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48823, USA

*Corresponding author e-mail:

Toishimanov M.:; Tamenov T.:; Syzdyk A.:; Jiquan Ch.:

Research article

Type of paper: Research paper


The relevance of the research lies in the application of the Li-8100 (Campbell Scientific) automated system for continuousmeasurement of CO2 emissions from soil corresponding to various cultivation techniques (no tillage, application of manure-based and mineral fertilizers) and various main crops (corn, wheat, rye) in Almaty Region. The article presents the field research data obtained in the foothill zone with the aim of assessing GHG emissions from arable light-dark chestnut soils while using different fertilizers, types of basic tillage, and crops. In accordance with the data presented, it can be argued that of the scientifically substantiated types of crops and soil cultivation methods studied within the framework of this research, all manure based options demonstrated high GHG emission values. The use of mineral fertilizers showed insignificant association between greenhouse gas emission reduc-tion and the no tillage option. Different crops showed varying degrees of GHG emission reduction depending on fertilizer application; yet, wheat responded most strongly due to additional biomass and yield growth. The research suggests the application of mineral fertilizers as a potential appropriate way to cut GHG emissions. However, further investigation is necessary to study the underlying mechanisms and processes influencing GHG and better understand the feedback effects in resource efficient (conservation) agriculture.

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For citation: Kussainova, M., Toishimanov, M., Tamenov, T., Syzdyk, A., Jiquan, Ch., (2023). Izuchenie jeffektivnosti razlichnyh sistem zemlepol’zovanija dlja smjagchenija klimata posredstvom izmerenija jemissii parnikovyh gazov [Studying the climate mitigation efficiency of various land-use systems by measuring greenhouse gas emissions]. Central Asian Journal of Water Research,  9(2), 17-34. [In Russian]


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agriculture, barley, corn, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, soil, winter wheat

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