Water Tales from Turkistan: Challenges and Opportunities for the Badam-Sayram Water System under a Changing Climate

Aidar Zhumabaev a, Hannah Schwedhelm b, Beatrice Marti a, Silvan Ragettli a, Tobias Siegfried a*

a Hydrosolutions GmbH, Venusstrasse 29, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland

b Technical University Munich, Arcisstraße 21, 80333 Munich, Germany


Corresponding author e-mail: siegfried@hydrosolutions.ch

Aidar Zhumabaev: zhumabaev@hydrosolutions.ch; Hannah Schwedhelm: hannah.schwedhelm@tum.de; Beatrice Marti: marti@hydrosolutions.ch; Silvan Ragettli: ragettli@hydrosolutions.ch


The Badam River, a tributary to the Arys River located in the Syr Darya basin, is a crucial natural resource for ecological, social, and economic activities in the semi-arid region of southern Kazakhstan. The river basin is heavily influenced by manmade water infrastructure and faces water scarcity, particularly during summer, highlighting the importance of understanding its hydrological processes for effective water resource management. In this study, a semi-distributed conceptual hydrological model of the Badam River was implemented using the RS MINERVE hydrological software to evaluate the impacts of climate change on hydrology and to test the resilience of the water system. Connected HBV models were implemented for each of the hydrological response units that were defined as altitudinal zones. The hydrological model was calibrated using daily time steps between 1979 and 2011, and the resulting flow exceedance curves and hydrographs were used to assess the potential impacts of climate change on the basin, using CMIP6 precipitation and temperature scenarios. Future climate scenarios for the 2054 – 2064 period demonstrate that the peak discharge will be shifted to spring/late spring compared to the current early summer with no significant decrease in average discharge per day of the year. The insights gained from this hydrological-hydraulic model can be used to effectively manage the water system and inform future hydropower design decisions and serve as a blueprint for similar studies in the region and elsewhere.

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For citation: Zhumabaev, A., Schwedhelm, H., Marti, B., Ragettli, S., Siegfried, T. (2024). Water Tales from Turkistan: Challenges and Opportunities for the Badam-Sayram Water System under a Changing Climate. Central Asian Journal of Water Research,  10(2), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.29258/CAJWR/2024-R1.v10-2/1-25.eng


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Badam-Sayram Water System, climate change, decision support, hydrological modeling, hydrological scenario analysis, water resource

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