Water consumption of a Paulownia plantation in an arid climate in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia
Niels Thevs a*, Kumar Aliev b, Clara Baier c
a Independent Scholar
b World Agroforestry, Toktogul Street 141, Bishkek, 720001, Kyrgyzstan
c Umweltbundesamt, Wörlitzer Platz 1, Dessau-Roßlau, 06844, Germany
Corresponding author e-mail*: niels.thevs@gmail.com
Kumar Aliev: k.aliev@cifor-icraf.org; Clara Baier: clara.baier95@gmail.com

Recently, Paulownia spec. has been introduced to Central Asia in a number of small plantations. Paulownia yields timber of high quality for applications such as furniture, house construction, boat construction, and surf boards, or skis. Thus, Paulownia might offer a much-needed raw material for this region and beyond. However, Central Asia is largely occupied by drylands so that Paulownia needs irrigation. Against the background of frequent water stress across the region, this study aimed at assessing the water consumption and water productivity of that tree, using a 6-year-old plantation as study site. Trees were planted in May 2017 and cut back to their stumps in 2018. Daily crop evapotranspiration was calculated after the Penman-Monteith approach, whereby the crop coefficients were inherited from actual evapotranspiration values which stemmed from the remote sensing approach S-SEBI. Water consumption per tree was 1741 l, 4461 l, 4500 l, and 4407 l over the growing seasons 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, respectively. The water productivity for the stem wood over the whole time-span from planting in 2017 until 2023 was 1.59 g l-1 and 5.65 ml l-1. Given the high quality of its timber and its range of high-value applications, it can be concluded that the water consumed by Paulownia enables higher value timber and timber products than other trees that grow in comparable areas of Central Asia.
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Thevs, N., Aliev, K., Baier, C. (2025). Water consumption of a Paulownia plantation in an arid climate in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia. Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 11(1), 27–46. https://doi.org/10.29258/CAJWR/2025-R1.v11-1/27-46.eng
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evapotranspiration, irrigation, remote sensing, renewable raw material, water consumption, woody biomass